
Cloves (Laung)

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Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), aromatic flower buds of the tree, are prized for their ability to enhance dishes with a unique taste. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients like manganese and vitamin K, cloves are widely used in cooking, baking, and as a natural remedy for their medicinal properties.

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Health Benefits:

  • Hunger Regulation: Cloves may naturally help regulate your appetite, promoting a balanced approach to eating.

  • Blood Sugar Management: By incorporating cloves into your diet, you may support stable blood sugar levels and overall metabolic health.

  • Antibacterial Properties: Cloves possess powerful antibacterial properties that contribute to good oral hygiene and protection against infections.

  • Toothache Relief: Find temporary relief from tooth pain and gum discomfort with the soothing properties of cloves, providing a natural remedy until professional dental care is sought.

  • Respiratory Support: Cloves have been known to help clear coughs and congestion, promote respiratory health, and provide a refreshing breath of relief.

  • Skin Health: Rich in antioxidants, cloves can contribute to a healthier complexion and a natural, radiant glow.

  • Digestive Comfort: Cloves are renowned for their carminative properties, which can alleviate digestive discomfort such as bloating and gas.

  • Immune Boost: With essential vitamins and minerals, cloves can strengthen your immune system.

Tips for Using YuGen Spices’ Premium Cloves:

  • Enhance Your Tea: Add a pinch of cloves to your tea for a delightful twist and an enhanced flavor experience.

  • Elevate Meat and Fish Dishes: Sprinkle cloves onto your meat and fish dishes to add depth and complexity to the flavors.

  • Perfect for Indian Biryani: Give your biryani an authentic touch by incorporating cloves into the cooking process for an aromatic and flavorful result.

  • Elevate Sweets and Desserts: Experiment with cloves in your sweet creations, such as cakes, cookies, and puddings, to add a warm and fragrant note that will take your desserts to the next level.


Additional Information

Weight0.2 kg

20Gms – ₹44, 50Gms – ₹94, 100Gms – ₹199, 200Gms – ₹379, 500Gms – ₹899